Closing 6.3 and Opening 6.4

Michaelmas: Closing Issue 6.3 and Opening Issue 6.4 This post will mark the last entry in QBR 6.3 , Apostles' Tide, and the opening entry in Angels' Tide, QBR 6.4 With the beginning of Volume 6, we intend to discontinue making pdf editions of this blog (unless there are overwhelming requests for them). In response to an expressed need, we now have two sub blogs that both feed into Liturgy, Hymnody, and Pulpit Quarterly Book Review . The content of should appear to remain the same. Readers that wish to receive only our forwards can now also go to . Readers that wish to only receive our original book and resource reviews and be notified of new resources that we have received may go to , the LHP Lutheran Book Review blog. We DO plan to make pdf versions of LHP LBR . The Editor