
Showing posts from February, 2013

Received for Review

Atlas Shrugged, Part II. Calabasas, CA: Strike Productions, Inc., 2012. Special Edition 2-disc DVD set.   (N)    Cannings, Paul. Making Your Vision a Reality: Proven Steps to Develop and Implement Your Church Vision Plan . Grand Rapids: Kregel, 201 3 . 170 Pages. Paper. $1 2 .99. ( N )  

Received for Review

Richards, Larry. The Full Armor of God: Defending Your Life from Satan's Schemes. Minneapolis: Chosen, 2012. 186 Pages. Paper. $12.99. (LHPN) Sasse, Hermann. Edited by Matthew C. Harrison. Foreword by Ronald R. Feuerhahn. Letters to Lutheran Pastors, Volume 1, 1948-1951. St. Louis: Concordia, 2012. 480 Pages. Cloth. $32.99. (LHP)

Closing 7.1 and Opening 7.2

Ash Wednesday: Closing Issue 7.1 and Opening Issue 7.2 This post will mark the last entry in QBR 7.1 , Christmastide, and the opening entry in Eastertide, QBR 7.2

Received for Review

Bartelt, Andrew H. and Andrew E. Steinmann. Fundamental Biblical Hebrew/Fundamental Biblical Aramaic. St. Louis: Concordia, 2012 (2000, 2004). 378 Pages. Cloth. $62.99. (P) Bartelt, Andrew H. and Andrew E. Steinmann. Workbook and Supplementary Exercises for Fundamental Biblical Hebrew and Fundamental Biblical Aramaic. St. Louis: Concordia, 2004 (2000, 2003). 294 Pages. Spiral. $24.99. (P)   Simonetti , Manlio and Marco Conti, editors . Thomas C. Oden, General Editor. Job (Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, Old Testament VI ). Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2006. 253Pages. Cloth. $40.00. (P)  Ferreiro, Alberto , editor. Thomas C. Oden, General Editor. The Twelve Prophets (Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, Old Testament XIV). Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2003...