
Showing posts from January, 2016

Pulpit Review: Luther and Frederick

Luther, Martin. Edited by Benjamin T. G. Mayes and James L. Langebartels. Church Postil II (Luther's Works, Volume 76 ). St. Louis: Concordia, 2013. 484 Pages. Cloth. $49.99. (P) Luther, Martin. Edited by Benjamin T. G. Mayes and James L. Langebartels. Church Postil III (Luther's Works 77). St. Louis: Concordia, 2014. 422 Pages. Cloth. $54.99. (LHP) Luther, Martin. Edited by Benjamin T. G. Mayes. Christopher Boyd Brown, General Editor. Sermons on Matthew Chapters 19-24 (Luther's Works 68). St. Louis: Concordia, 2014. 364 Pages. Cloth. $54.99.   (LHP) Wellman, Sam. Frederick the Wise: Seen and Unseen Lives of Martin Luther's Protector. St. Louis: Concordia, 2015. 321 Pages. Paper. $25.99.

Lutheran Book Review: Gerhard, Walther, and Sasse

  Gerhard, Johann. Translated by Richard J. Dinda. Edited by Benjamin T. G. Mayes and Heath R. Curtis. On Sin and Free Choice (Theological Commonplaces XII-XIV). St. Louis: Concordia, 2014. 367 Pages. Cloth. $54.99. (P) Walther, C. F. W. Church Fellowship (Walther's Works) . St. Louis: Concordia, 2015. 417 Pages. Cloth. $39.99 (LHP) Sasse, Hermann. Edited by Matthew C. Harrison. Translated by Matthew C. Harrison and Andrew Smith. Foreword by Ronald R. Feuerhahn. Additional Translations by Ralph Gehrke, Fred Kramer, E. Reim, and Norman Nagel. Letters to Lutheran Pastors Volume II 1951-1956. St. Louis: Concordia, 2014. 511 Pages. Cloth. $34.99. (LHP) Sasse, Hermann. Edited and Translated by Matthew C. Harrison. Foreword by Ronald R. Feuerhahn. Ad...