
Showing posts from October, 2016

Received for Review

Bramwell, Tyrel. The Gift and the Defender (Lumen Legends Series, Book I) . Grail Quest Books, 2016. Kindle eARC received. (cf. ) Jerome. Michael Graves, Translator. Edited by Christopher A.Hall. Thomas C. Oden and Gerald L. Bray, Series Editors. Commentary on Jeremiah (Ancient Christian Texts) . Downers Grove: IVP Academic/InterVarsity Press, 2011. 232 Pages. Cloth. $60.00/$42.00 on sale. Jerome. Edited by Thomas P. Scheck. Thomas C. Oden and Gerald L. Bray, Series Editors.  Commentaries on the Twelve Prophets, Volume 1 (Ancient Christian Texts) . Downers Grove: IVP Academic/InterVarsity Press, 2016. 310 Pages. Cloth. $60.00/$42.00 on sale.

Lutheran Book Review: Concordia Commentary

Middendorf, Michael P. Romans 9-16 (Concordia Commentary). St. Louis: Concordia, 2016. 836 Pages. Cloth. $54.99. Lessing, Reed. Isaiah 56-66 (Concordia Commentary). St. Louis, Concordia, 2014. 600 Pages. Cloth. $54.99.   Two volumes of Concordia Commentary greet us today. Back in 2012, we reviewed this author's commentary on Isaiah 40-55. Isaiah 56–66 is the culmination of the prophet’s message condemning humanity’s sin and promising the Suffering Servant, who atones for that sin, rises in majesty, and prepares an eternal city, the new Jerusalem, for all the redeemed. Among its well-known oracles are “arise, shine, because your light is coming” (60:1); “the Spirit of the Lord Yahweh is upon me” (61:1); and “behold, I am about to create new heavens and a new earth...

Lutheran Book Review: Books of Substance and Significance

Luther, Martin. Edited by Timothy J. Wengert. The Annotated Luther, Volume 1: The Roots of Reform. Fortress: Minneapolis, 2015. 592 Pages. eARC. $39.00. Luther, Martin. Edited by Kirsi I. Stjerna. The Annotated Luther, Volume 2: Word and Faith. Fortress: Minneapolis, 2015. 528 Pages. eARC. $39.00. Birkholz, Mark W., Jacob Corzine, and Jonathan Mumme, Editors. Foreword by Jonathan Fisk. Feasting in a Famine of the Word: Lutheran Preaching in the Twenty-First Century. Eugene: Wipf and Stock/Pickwick, 2016. 299 Pages. Paper. $36.00. Masius, H. G. Translated and annotated by John Warwick Montgomery. A Defense of the Lutheran Faith: On the Eve of Modern Times. Milwaukee: Northwestern Publishing House, 2016. 214 Pages. Paper. (digital review copy received.) $18.99. (LBR) Kieker, James G. Martin Luther an...

Lutheran Book Review Quick Summaries for October 2016: Piano Hymns and Organ Intonations

Tate, Paul A. Seasons of Grace , Volume 1 . Chicago: GIA, 2004. Sheet music: $20.95. Audio CD: $16.95. Tate, Paul A. Seasons of Grace , Volume 2 . Chicago: GIA, 2006. Sheet music: $17.95. Audio CD: $16.95. Tate, Paul A. Seasons of Grace , Volume 3 . Chicago: GIA, 2009. Sheet music: $20.95. Audio CD: $16.95. Tate, Paul A. Seasons of Grace , Volume 4 . Chicago: GIA, 2011. Sheet music: $21.95. Audio CD: $16.95. Tate, Paul A. Seasons of Grace , Volume 6 . Chicago: GIA, 2015. Sheet music: $21.95. Audio CD: $16.95. Giomo, Carla. Hymn Intonations for Organ . Chicago: GIA, 2014. 16 Pages. Sheet Music. $15.00. De Silva, Chris. Colours . Chicago: GIA, 2016. Audio CD. $16.95. Back in 2014, we reviewed an unsolicited review copy of a CD of hymn arrangements for piano: + Paul A. Tate's Seasons of Grace, Volume 5 is a great resource f...

Lutheran Book Review Quick Summaries for October 2016: Books

Naselli, Andrew David and J. D. Crowley. Conscience: What It Is, How to Train It, and Loving Those Who Differ. Wheaton: Crossway, 2016. 157 Pages. Paper. $15.99. Danker, Ryan Nicholas. Wesley and the Anglicans: Political Division in Early Evangelicalism. IVP Academic, 2016. 304 Pages. Paper. $26.00. (UN) Köstenberger, Andreas, Thomas R. Schreiner, Editors. Women in the Church: An Interpretation and Application of 1 Timothy 2:9-15 (Third Edition). Wheaton: Crossway, 2016. 415 Pages. Paper. $30.00. Cherry, Constance. The Music Architect: Blueprints for Engaging Worshipers in Song. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2016. 272 Pages. Paper. $22.99. (Unsolicited; also observed in CTSFW bookstore) Today's summaries are a little longer than usual but should be still quick enough for you to make an informed judgement about each resource. First, we discu...