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Jerome. Thomas P. Scheck, Editor. Thomas C. Oden and Gerald L. Bray, Series Editors. Commentaries on the Twelve Prophets, Volume 2 (Ancient Christian Texts) . Downers Grove: IVP Academic/InterVarsity Press, 2017. 412 Pages. Cloth. $60.00/$54.00 on sale. Eusebius of Caesarea. Jonathan J. Armstrong, Translator. Joel C. Elowsky, Editor. Thomas C. Oden and Gerald L. Bray, Series Editors. Commentary on Isaiah (Ancient Christian Texts). Downers Grove: IVP Academic/InterVarsity Press, 2013. 332 Pages. Cloth. $60.00/$54.00 on sale. Cyril of Alexandria. David R. Maxwell, Translator. Joel C. Elowsky, Editor. Thomas C. Oden and Gerald L. Bray, Series Editors. Commentary on John, Volume 1 (Ancient Christian Texts). Downers Grove: IVP Academic/InterVarsity Press, 2013. 375 Pages. Cloth. $60.00/$54.00 on sale. Cyril of A...