
Showing posts from February, 2021

New Lutheran Resources: Hymns and Northwestern Publishing House

Kornacki, Alan, Jr. Rejoice, O Zion! Sing! Hymns for the Lutheran Service Book One-Year Lectionary and Other Occasions.  2020. Paper. $9.99. Kindle available for $3.99. Eggert, Arthur.  Simply Lutheran: A Practical Guide to Lutheran Teachings.  Milwaukee: Northwestern Publishing House, 2020. 313 Pages. Paper. $20.99. Thompson, Luke George. Your Life Has Meaning: Discovering Your Role In An Epic Story. Milwaukee: Northwestern, 2020. 149 Pages. Paper. $17.99 You would think that 2020 would have been a good year to read. For me personally, I had to spend far too much time in front of screens. The three books below will be good incentive for you to turn off the screens and open up an edifying book in 2021. The writing of our friend Alan Kornacki, pastor of an LCMS dual parish in sout...


Winter, Lincoln.  CATECHETICS: Fixing Confirmation . Wheatland, WY: Lulu Press, 2019. 466 Pages. Preview pdf received.  Cloth ,  Paper,  and  Kindle  available.    When this volume was initially about to appear in print I wrote:  Catechetics: Fixing Confirmation , is a necessary book. Recapitulating, updating, and improving upon the standard works on the topic, Catechetics explains how Confirmation in The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod reached its current state, and how a distinctly Lutheran catechesis can begin the work of repair, patiently bearing fruit over the next generations. Lutheran parents, pastors, educators, and church and school leaders would benefit from a return to Lutheran catechesis, wider use of the Large and Small Catechisms of Martin Luther, and collectively reading this landmark volume. This book will be especially encouraging to...

The Evangelical Heritage Version: An Introductory Review

  The Wartburg Project.  Holy Bible Evangelical Heritage Version.  Milwaukee: Northwestern Publishing House, 2019. 1831 Pages. (pdf review copy provided) Cloth.  $22.99. Quantity Discounts Available. Since receiving the pdf review copy I was provided, I have since personally purchased the cloth/hardcover edition, the Faithlife/Logos Bible software edition, the Microsoft/Windows EHV Study Bible notes, and the Faithlife/Logos EHV Study Bible Notes. I had previously purchased a paperback of the EHV New Testament and the EHV editions of the WELS and ELS catechisms. Before we get to the EHV text and EHV notes, let's have a more comprehensive conversation. Bibles are a common gift for special occasions: baptisms, confirmations, weddings, birthdays, and Christmas. The Preface to a recent Bible translation noted that there are over one hundred English Bible translations...