
Showing posts from November, 2011

Resources Received

Tizon, Al. Missonal Preaching: Engage Embrace Transform. Valley Forge: Judson Press, 2012. 192 Pages. Paper. (Spiral-bound pre-publication galley received.) $16.99. (P) Murphy, Paul. The Thirteenth Apostle: A Novel. Mobile, AL/Southport, NC: Evergreen Press, 2004. 216 Pages. Paper with CD-Rom curriculum guide. (Two copies received.) $11.99. (N)

Closing Volume 5 and Issue 5.4 and Opening Volume 6 and Issue 6.1

With the beginning of Volume 6, we intend to discontinue making pdf editions of this blog (unless there are overwhelming requests for them). In response to an expressed need, we now have two sub blogs that both feed into Liturgy, Hymnody, and Pulpit Quarterly Book Review .  The content of should appear to remain the same.  Readers that wish to receive only our forwards can now also go to .  Readers that wish to only receive our original book and resource reviews and be notified of new resources that we have received may go to , the LHP Lutheran Book Review blog. We DO plan to make pdf versions of LHP LBR . A Blessed New Church Year to all! The Editor   

Pulpit Review: Ancient Christian Doctrine

Edwards, Mark J., editor. Thomas C. Oden, series editor. We Believe in the Crucified and Risen Lord (Ancient Christian Doctrine 3). Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press, 2009. 194 Pages. Cloth. $50.00. (P) Elowsky, Joel C., editor. Thomas C. Oden, series editor. We Believe in the Holy Spirit (Ancient Christian Doctrine 4). Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press, 2009. 309 Pages. Cloth. $50.00. (P) Di Berardino, Angelo, editor. Thomas C. Oden, series editor. We Believe in One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church (Ancient Christian Doctrine 5). Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press, 2010. 316 Pages. Cloth. $50.00. (P) Our Modern world gets a regular glimpse at Ancient Christianity thanks to InterVarsity Press.  In this review, we complete a series of reviews on the five-volume Ancient Christian Doctrine series, now complete. Read our review of Volume 1: http://lhpqbr.blogspot.c...

Liturgy Review: Advent and Christmas

Gilmore, Rachel. 'Tis the Season: Church Celebrations for Advent and Christmas. Valley Forge: Judson Press, 2011. 110 Pages. Paper. $14.99. (L) Rachel Gilmore is back for another resource book for churches. We reviewed here previous release favorably ( ). 'Tis includes church celebrations intended as worship services (Part 1), multigenerational celebrations (Part 2), and celebrations that could be adapted for different circumstances (Part 3). Reproducible Resources and Handouts are provided in the Appendix and online ( ). I would not personally be comfortable using the "services" as outlined in the resource guide. Nor, must I say, would my congregation. Perhaps this is an example of the cultural and practical differences between Lutheran and Baptist Christians. Perhaps it is more than that. American Baptist Church...

LHP Review: Doctrine at Prayer and in Life

        Bell, John L. 101 Things They Never Told Me About Jesus: A Beginner's Guide to a Larger Christ. Chicago: GIA/Wild Goose Resource Group, Iona Community, 2009. 144 Pages. Paper. $15.00. (LHP)   Lawton, Liam. The Hope Prayer: Words to Nourish the Soul.   Chicago: GIA, 2009. 252 Pages. Cloth. $21.95. (L)   Doctrine remains important.   Always.   And especially in inspirational and devotional literature.   Not another book about what we already know, but one about what we overlook. In Ten Things They Never Told Me about Jesus , John Bell explores facets of the personal life, relationships, and ministry of Jesus, which are seldom the stuff of preaching or conversation, but which are all rooted in the Gospels and are necessary if we are to be freed from the passive stereotypes that still dominate thinking about Christ. Much of the book is rooted in encounters w...

Resources Received

Schuermann, Katie. Collects by Deaconess Melissa A. DeGroot. He Remembers the Barren. Fort Wayne: Lutheran Legacy 2011. 116 Pages. Paper. $14.95. (LHP)

Resources Received

Boesenecker, Andy and Jim Graeser. A Field Guide to Contemporary Worship: How to Begin and Lead Band-Based Worship. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2011. 220 Pages. Paper $24.99. (LH) The Expanded Bible. Contributing Scholars: Tremper Longman III, Mark L. Strauss, Daniel Taylor. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2011. 1910 Pages. Cloth. $34.99. (P) Spinks, Bryan D. The Worship Mall: Contemporary Responses to Contemporary Culture. New York: Church Publishing, 2010. 242 Pages. Paper. $28.00. (LHP) Musical Settings for Noonday and Compline. New York: Church Publishing, 2002. 31 Pages. Saddle stitched. $30 for 10 copies. (L) Glover, Raymond F., Editor. Hymnal 1982 Companion (Four Volumes: Volume One: Essays on Church Music; Volume Two Service Music and Biographies;  Volume Three A: Hymns 1 to 384; Volume Three B: Hymns 385 to 720). New York: Church Publishing, ...

Movie Review: Courageous

Fireproof. Albany, GA: Sherwood Baptist Church, 2011. Movie. Theatrical Screener mp4 stream reviewed. (N) The Trailer: Imagine a Sheriff's Department populated with familiar actors from Facing the Giants, Fireproof , and other Sherwood Baptist films. Their new film aims to do for fatherhood what Fireproof did for Biblical marriage and faithfulness. "To serve and protect" is a powerful motto for fathers! Courageous is... Heart-pounding action, clean humor, life and death, sin and redemption, church-going people, dancing, and a theme song by Casting Crowns. At the shooting range, two deputies have a deep talk about guilt and judgment: "I hope my good outweighs my bad." "That's not how it works."  Right. Jesus is the Savior. He chose us (John 15:16). Unfortunately, the word "accept" hints at altar calls (like the final scene and closing Bible verse) and decision the...