Resources Received

Boesenecker, Andy and Jim Graeser. A Field Guide to Contemporary Worship: How to Begin and Lead Band-Based Worship. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2011. 220 Pages. Paper $24.99. (LH)

The Expanded Bible. Contributing Scholars: Tremper Longman III, Mark L. Strauss, Daniel Taylor. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2011. 1910 Pages. Cloth. $34.99. (P)

Spinks, Bryan D. The Worship Mall: Contemporary Responses to Contemporary Culture. New York: Church Publishing, 2010. 242 Pages. Paper. $28.00. (LHP)

Musical Settings for Noonday and Compline. New York: Church Publishing, 2002. 31 Pages. Saddle stitched. $30 for 10 copies. (L)

Glover, Raymond F., Editor. Hymnal 1982 Companion (Four Volumes: Volume One: Essays on Church Music; Volume Two Service Music and Biographies;  Volume Three A: Hymns 1 to 384; Volume Three B: Hymns 385 to 720). New York: Church Publishing, 1990, 1994, and 1994. 764, 749, and 1392 Pages. $210 for the set. (LH)

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