LHP Review: Christmas

Tucci, Billy. A Child Is Born. Fredericksburg, TX: Apostle Arts, 2011. Graphic Novel. $5.99. www.achildisbornbook.com   www.facebook.com/achildisborn (LHP)

I learned to read by reading comic books. 

Sorry. Let me rephrase that.
I learned how to read from graphic novels. 

There. Now mothers and librarians everywhere will approve.

(My mom was very understanding of Uncle Scrooge, Superman, and Batman.)

I saw Christian comics only occasionally. The artwork was only so-so. I finally found The Picture Bible and other attempts like Paul where Acts was retold with Saul/Paul riding in a Jeep, but there were always compromises with the art or the story.

And this is not just any story that is retold.

Salvation history deserves the best. The Life of Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of Man should be presented in a very special way.

Billy Tucci's A Child Is Born is stunningly beautiful. Paul Mounts digitally painted Tucci's art. Bill Tortolini provides the letters. This is the standard to which comic books/graphic novels should aspire. 

Honestly, some of the angelic scenes reminded me if illuminated manuscripts. Gold represents purity, holiness, and divinity.

The inside front cover features a portion of Isaiah 9 in NIV2011. The remainder of the text is based on the King James Version.  

A Child Is Born is endorsed by (and informed by) our friend Rick Larson, whose DVD, The Star of Bethlehem, we reviewed two years ago. (See http://lhpqbr.blogspot.com/2009/10/lhp-review-star-of-wonder.html for the full review.)


Tucci's Christian comic leaves this reader wanting more. I pray he and his team will give similar time, attention, and creativity to Holy Week and Jesus' Passion and Resurrection.

The Rev. Paul J Cain is Pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Sheridan, Wyoming, Headmaster of Martin Luther Grammar School, a member of the Board of Directors of The Consortium for Classical and Lutheran Education, Wyoming District Worship Chairman, and Editor of QBR

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