
Showing posts from December, 2012

Liturgy and Pulpit Review: New Study Bibles

ESV Daily Reading Bible (Through the Bible in 365 Days based on the popular M'Cheyne Bible Reading Plan). Wheaton: Crossway, 2012. 1405 Pages. Cloth with jacket and ribbon. $29.99. (LHP) Little Rock Scripture Study. Little Rock Catholic Study Bible. Little Rock, AR/Collegeville, MN: Little Rock Scripture Study, a ministry of the Diocese of Little Rock, in partnership with Liturgical Press, 2011. 2632 Pages (plus maps). Cloth with dust cover. $49.95. (LP) ESV Global Study Bible. Wheaton: Crossway, 2012. 1984 Pages. Cloth with dustcover. (Other bindings available.) $29.99.   (P) At long last, this is our very first "Liturgy and Pulpit" Review!  We've had Liturgy reviews, Hymnody reviews, Pulpit reviews, Liturgy and Hymnody reviews, and plenty of LHP reviews, an...

LHP Review: Vocation

Kraft, Dave. Mistakes Leaders Make. Wheaton: Crossway, 2012. 121 Pages. Paper. $14.99. / (LHP) Baucham, Voddie, Jr. Family Shepherds: Calling and Equipping Men to Lead Their Homes. Wheaton: Crossway, 2011. 192 Pages. Paper. $15.99. (LHP) Veith, Gene Edward and Mary J. Moerbe. Family Vocation: God's Calling in Marriage, Parenting and Childhood. Wheaton: Crossway, 2012. 253 Pages. Paper. $15.99. (LHP)   Getty, Keith and Kristyn Getty. Hymns for the Christian Life . Nashville: GettyMusic, 2012. Audio CD. $13.99. (mp3 download available for $9.99) (LH) Getty, Keith and Kristyn Getty. Hymns for the Christian Life (Songbook). Nashville: GettyMusic, 2012. 36 Pages. Paper. $11.99. (downloadable version available for $9.99) (LH) What are your God-given roles in this life?  I am a baptized child of God, a son, a ...

LHP Review: Illuminating Bible Art

Sink, Susan. The Art of The Saint John's Bible: A Reader's Guide to Pentateuch, Psalms, Gospels, and Acts. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2007. 126 Pages. Paper. $14.95. (LHP) Sink, Susan. The Art of The Saint John's Bible: A Reader's Guide to Wisdom Books and Prophets. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2008. 112 Pages. Paper. $14.95. (LHP) Sink, Susan. The Art of The Saint John's Bible: A Reader's Guide to Historical Books, Letters and Revelation. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2021. 138 Pages. Paper. $14.95. (LHP) (All three volumes are available as a set.) I am blessed two own the complete set of The Saint John's Bible . We at LHP QBR have devoted time to each of the volumes as they have been released to the public. The idea of a modern hand-written illuminated Bible still staggers my mind. Consider the detail put into this tiny portion of a page: And then there is all of the ma...

Noted Review: Bond's Covenanter Historical Fiction Trilogies

Bond, Douglas. Crown and Covenant Series (Duncan's War, King's Arrow, Rebel's Keep). Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, 2002, 2003, 2004. Pages. 278, 316, 276 Paper. $29.99. (N) Bond, Douglas. Faith and Freedom Trilogy (Guns of Thunder, Guns of the Lion, Guns of Providence). Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, 2007, 2008, 2010. 262, 260, 244 Pages. Paper. $32.99. (also available separately) (N) We've reviewed most of Douglas Bond's books over the course of LHP Quarterly Book Review . Bond is a Calvinist. In these two trilogies, he shows covenanter history from Scotland to the infant United States of America. Duncan and Angus, brothers in a Covenanter family in seventeenth-century Scotland, come of age in the midst of physical and spiritual battles. 3 vols. Young Duncan M'Kethe finds himself caught in the web of Sir James Turner, the former Covena...

LHP Review: Bonhoeffer

  Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. Ecumenical, Academic, and Pastoral Work: 1931-1932 (Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works Volume 11). Minneapolis: Fortress, 2012. 612 Pages. Cloth. $60.00. (LHP) Dietrich Bonhoeffer remains a favorite of many Christians, theologians, and pastors around the world, hence Dietric Bonhoeffer Works in the original German an d now in English translation .   Personally, I appreciate his work and writing in context. Discipleship is of great value to me. Pastorally, it is of great value to me. I disagree with him vehemently with regard of his rejection of musical harmony ( Life Together ).  Our most recent review of other volumes in this series ( ) is an attempt an an explanation of how Bonhoeffer's progressive Christian fans have misunderstood what he wrote ab...

Received for Review

Walther, C. F. W. Translated by Matthew Carver. Walther's Hymnal: Church Hymnbook for Evangelical Lutheran Congregations of the Unaltered Augsburg Confession . St. Louis: Concordia, 2012. 440 Pages. Paper. $39.99. (LH) Gerhard, Johann. Translated by Richard J. Dinda. Edited with Annotations by Benjamin T. G. Mayes. On the Church (Theological Commonplaces: XXV). St. Louis: Concordia, 2010. 870 Pages. Cloth. $54.99. (LHP) Luther, Martin. Translated by Matthew C. Harrison. A Simple Way to Pray (for Peter, the Master Barber). St. Louis: Concordia, 2012. 32 Pages. Paper. $1.99. (Bulk discounts available) (LHP) Fisk, Jonathan. Broken:...

Noted Review: Lutheran Fiction

Kornacki, Alan, Jr. Love Divine (Thy Strong Word Book 1) . Amazon Digital Services, 2012. 169 Pages. (4358 Locations) Kindle e-book. $3.99. (LHPN) Kornacki, Alan, Jr. A Great and Mighty Wonder (Thy Strong Word Book 2) . Amazon Digital Services, 2012. 201 Pages. (3985 Locations) Kindle e-book. $4.99. (LHPN) Kornacki, Alan, Jr. One Thing's Needful (Thy Strong Word Book 3) . Amazon Digital Services, 2012. 174 Pages. Kindle e-book. $4.99. Keating, Ray. Warrior Monk (A Pastor Stephen Grant Novel) Revised Edition. Manorville, NY: Keating Reports, 2010. 442 Pages. Paper. $17.99. / (N)    Keating, Ray. Root of All Evil? (A Pastor Stephen Grant Novel). Manorville, NY: Keating Reports, 2012. 305 Pages. Paper. $16.99. http://www.pastorstephengrant.blogspot.c...