Liturgy and Pulpit Review: New Study Bibles

ESV Daily Reading Bible (Through the Bible in 365 Days based on the popular M'Cheyne Bible Reading Plan). Wheaton: Crossway, 2012. 1405 Pages. Cloth with jacket and ribbon. $29.99. (LHP) Little Rock Scripture Study. Little Rock Catholic Study Bible. Little Rock, AR/Collegeville, MN: Little Rock Scripture Study, a ministry of the Diocese of Little Rock, in partnership with Liturgical Press, 2011. 2632 Pages (plus maps). Cloth with dust cover. $49.95. (LP) ESV Global Study Bible. Wheaton: Crossway, 2012. 1984 Pages. Cloth with dustcover. (Other bindings available.) $29.99. (P) At long last, this is our very first "Liturgy and Pulpit" Review! We've had Liturgy reviews, Hymnody reviews, Pulpit reviews, Liturgy and Hymnody reviews, and plenty of LHP reviews, an...