LHP Review: Care for Christians

Kinnaman, Scot A., Editor. Living with Dying: Blessings and Prayers for Those Who Grieve. St. Louis: Concordia, 2012. 208 Pages. Paper. $5.99. https://www.cph.org/p-20357-living-with-dying-blessings-and-prayers-for-those-who-grieve.aspx?SearchTerm=living%20with%20dying (LHP)

Wieting, Kenneth W. Scot A. Kinnaman, General Editor. Lutheranism 101: The Lord's Supper. St. Louis: Concordia, 2012. 164 Pages. Paper. $9.99. https://www.cph.org/p-19493-lutheranism-101-the-lords-supper.aspx (LHP)

Life in this world is complicated. We need all the help we can get.

I recommend these two books on death and life.

Who Is This Book For
The grief you know through the loss of a loved one may be the most disruptive experience in your life. No one is immune to loss and grief and the moments of doubt, fear, questioning, and anger that can accompany it.

The uncertainty and fear at the approach of one’s own death can be overwhelming. But as Christians we stay focused on the certainty of Christ’s mercy, grace, and salvation.

What's In This Book
Through devotions, prayers, Scripture, and hymns this little book brings comfort, peace, encouragement, and hope to those who have lost a loved one or those preparing for their own death. This Christ-centered devotional is designed as a convenient take-along resource to help the reader find the comfort provided by the Christian understanding of death. Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection we realize that even while dying and death can cause pain and grief, death has no ultimate power over us.

View All Books in the Blessings and Prayers Series 

(Publisher's website)
I was looking online for a replacement for a book I've given out for years, Good Grief. I found it in Concordia's Living with Dying. Yes, it talks about grief and its stages, what to expect (77ff), and it does so with much more hope in Scripture, hymn, and prayer. This little book is pocket, purse, or glove compartment friendly. And it should be available on Kindle!

The first two thirds of the book are for those who grieve. We need to hear of our Resurrection hope! We need comfort when we mourn, yet not as those who have no hope in Christ.

The final third of the book is the most unique in modern Christian literature. For many today, talking about death is a downer. Some think you're morbid for preparing for death. Living with Dying takes death head-on in Christ. It is an old fashioned death bed manual for the 21st Century.

Buy in bulk to give away to congregation members. Share copies with each elder.

Death is not "a part of life." Death is the opposite of life. And Christians have life, hope, and eternity in Christ.

Christians rightly speak of the Lord's Supper as the medicine of immortality and antidote to death. There's good reason for that. Scripture attaches great promises to Holy Communion.

Here you stand, wondering what the Lord’s Supper is all about. Well, let us introduce you to the latest addition to the Lutheranism 101 family!
LUTHERANISM 101: THE LORD’S SUPPER examines what Scripture and the Confessions have to say about Jesus’ gift of His true body to eat and His true blood to drink.
What Lutherans believe and teach about the Lord’s Supper makes us distinct from all other Christians. We believe the Lord’s Supper is a life-giving blessing given by God to the Church. It is a miracle in bread and wine established by the God-man Jesus Christ.
Using the same conversational style and design as Lutheranism 101, THE LORD’S SUPPER gives
• An overview of Jesus’ teaching regarding the Lord’s Supper
• A discussion of problems that happen when some either don’t believe what Scripture says about His Supper, or try to say more than Scripture says
• A discussion of how belief in who Jesus is affects what we believe about the Sacrament and what we receive.
Each chapter concludes with several questions that can be used to further the study and the discussion about the material. For those who may be leading a group discussion based upon the chapter, and for those individuals who want to check their answers against the author’s comments, a free downloadable guide is available online at lutheranism101.com.
(Publisher's website)

The latest addition to the expanding Lutheranism 101 series is Lutheranism 101: The Lord's Supper.

Winsome and substantive, faithful yet funny, this user-friendly and accessible book by noted Holy Communion expert author Kenneth Wieting will help you and those you share it with better understand and appreciate the Sacrament of the Altar.

The author deftly covers the frequency of offering the Supper, what elements are to be used in Communion, the Real Presence of Christ in His Body and Blood according to His Words (and handling common objections), the loving and faithful practice of Closed Communion, and the "for you"-ness of the Gospel forgiveness of sins delivered at the Lord's Table.

Smile as loud as you can, fellow Lutherans, and look for more additions to the Lutheranism 101 family.

The Rev. Paul J Cain is Pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Sheridan, Wyoming, Headmaster of Martin Luther Grammar School, Yellowstone Circuit Visitor (LCMS Wyoming District), a member of the Board of Directors of The Consortium for Classical and Lutheran Education, Wyoming District Worship Chairman, and Editor of QBR.

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