
Showing posts from 2014

Received for Review

  Luther, Martin. Edited by Benjamin T. G. Mayes and James L. Langebartels. Church Postil III (Luther's Works 77). St. Louis: Concordia, 2014. 422 Pages. Cloth. $54.99. (LHP)

Received for Review

Worship-Fourth  Edition (Pew edition with readings) . Chicago: GIA Publications, 2011. Cloth. $16.50. (LHP) Worship-Fourth  Edition (Keyboard landscape edition) . Chicago: GIA Publications, 2011. Cloth. Two Volumes. $120.00. (LHP) Worship-Fourth  Edition (Bb instrument edition) . Chicago: GIA Publications, 2011. Spiral. $90.00. (LHP) Gather-Third  Edition (Pew edition with readings) . Chicago: GIA Publications, 2011. Cloth. $16.50. (LHP) Gather-Third  Edition (Guitar edition) . Chicago: GIA Publications, 2011. Spiral. Three Volumes. $90.00. (LHP)

LHP Review: La palabra del Señor permanece para siempre

Engelbrecht, Edward A., General Editor of English Edition. Hector E. Hoppe, Editor of Spanish Edition. La Biblia de la Reforma: Biblia de Estudio (Reina Valera Contemporanea). St. Louis: Editorial Concordia, 2014. 2336 Pages. Cloth. $49.99. (LHP) La publicación de un CPH idioma español luterana de la Biblia de estudio es ocasión para celebrar . Esta reseña del libro es mi primer intento de una revisión bilingüe . La palabra del Señor permanece para siempre. 1 Pedro 1:25 Reina Valera Contemporánea (RVC) The publication of a CPH Spanish language Lutheran study Bible is occasion to celebrate. This book review is my first attempt at a bilingual review. The Word of the Lord endures forever. 1 Peter 1:25 (ESV)   500 años en producción: La Biblia de la Reforma ¡La Biblia para los 400 millones de habla castellana que hay en el mundo! Este amplio ...

Closing Issue 8.4 and Volume 8 and Opening Volume 9

  This post will mark the last entry in QBR 8.4 Angels' Tide, and the opening entry in Volume 9 of Liturgy, Hymnody, and Pulpit Quarterly Book Review, also known as Lutheran Book Review. (LBR = LHPQBR)

Received for Review

Farrel, Bill. 7 Simple Skills for Every Man: Success in Relationships, Work , and Your Walk with God. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2014. Paper. $10.99. (LHPN)

Received for Review

Rowthorn, Jeffry and Russell Schulz-Widmar, Compilers and Editors. Sing of the World Made New: Hymns of Justice, Peace and Christian Responsibility. Carol Stream, IL/Chicago: Hope Publishing Company/GIA Publications, 2014. 297 Pages. Spiral. $18.95. (H) Schalk, Carl. Sing with All the Saints: Twenty-one New Hymns and Carols for Congregation, Choir, and Accompaniment. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2014. 59 Pages. Staple. $12.00. (H) Jones, Jacque B. Songs Unchanged, Yet Ever-Changing: 50 Hymn Texts. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2014. 128 Pages Spiral. $19.95. (H)

Quick Summaries for mid November 2014: Overcoming False Dichotomies

Quick Summaries are pithy paragraph-long reviews of releases that cross our QBR desk.  These are reviews for when you don't have all day  to decide whether a resource is worth your time, money, storage space, or trouble. Ross, Melanie C. Foreword by Mark A. Noll. Evangelical Versus Liturgical? Defying a Dichotomy. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2014. 149 Pages. Paper. $17.00. (L) Ludwig, David J. and Mary R. Jacob. Christian Concepts for Care: Understanding and Helping People with Mental Health Issues. St. Louis: Concordia, 2014. 304 Pages. Paper. $24.99. (Currently on sale for $21.99.) (LHPN) Music, David W. and Paul Westermeyer. Church Music in the United States 1760-1901 . St. Louis: MorningStar Music Publishers, 2014. Published in partnership with the Center for Church Music, Concordia University Chicago. 311 Pages. Paper. $24.95. 1-800-647-2117. (L...

Hymnody Review: Getty Music

Getty, Keith and Kristyn Getty. The Greengrass Session: Six Hymns from the Old World and the New Limited Edition EP. Nashville: Getty Music Label LLC, 2014. Audio CD. $10.00. h ttp:// (H) The latest album from Keith and Kristyn Getty is an EP, an Extended Play recording too long to be a "single," yet too short (29:05) to be considered a full studio album (what we used to call an "LP"). It is well worth your time to listen to these seven tracks. The GreenGrass Session Keith & Kristyn Getty (2014) Brand new, limited edition EP from Keith and Kristyn Getty featuring My Worth Is Not in What I Own – the new hymn written by Keith and Kristyn and Graham Kendrick Good Shepherd of My Soul – a warm and moving a’capella rendition of one of Keith and Kristyn’s newer songs Come Ye Sinners – a musical journey from Ireland to Appalachia enve...