Received for Review

Duguid, Iain M., James M. Hamilton, Jr., and Jay Sklar, Editors. ESV Expository Commentary (Volume VII, Daniel-Malachi). Wheaton: Crossway, 2018. 795 Pages. Cloth. $50.00. 

Duguid, Iain M., James M. Hamilton, Jr., and Jay Sklar, Editors. ESV Expository Commentary (Volume XI, Ephesians-Philemon). Wheaton: Crossway, 2018. 567 Pages. Cloth. $40.00. 

Duguid, Iain M., James M. Hamilton, Jr., and Jay Sklar, Editors. ESV Expository Commentary (Volume XII, Hebrews-Revelation). Wheaton: Crossway, 2018. 784 Pages. Cloth. $45.00. 

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