
Paavola, Daniel E. Grace, Faith, Scripture: Portrait of a Lutheran. St. Louis: Concordia, 2019. 113 Pages. pdf ARC received. https://www.cph.org/p-32620-grace-faith-scripture-portrait-of-a-lutheran.aspx

Grace Faith Scripture by Daniel Paavola is a "Portrait of a Lutheran" in two ways. In his own winsome, conversational, and faithful way, he shows how "Grace Alone," "Faith Alone," and "Scripture Alone" were and are essential for his own spiritual life and relationships. He also shows through personal story and Scripture how these foundational slogans of the Lutheran Reformation actively paint the portrait of any faithful, Bible-based, confessional Lutheran in his or her life of faith under the cross of Christ in Word and Sacrament. For some, Grace Faith Scripture will be an introduction to the Lutheran confession of the Christian faith. For others, it will serve as encouragement to remain faithful to our confession, dig deeper in God's Word, and walk together with Christ alongside Paul, Luther, Walther, and the author in the pure Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

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