An Organized and Productive 2020

Keating, Ray. Free Trade Rocks: 10 Points on International Trade Everyone Should Know. Long Island: Keating Reports, 2019. 90 Pages. Paper. Kindle Available. $11.99. (Also available in a bundle at author site)

Keating, Ray. The Lutheran Planner 2020: The To Do List Solution (Get things done while being encouraged, inspired, and consoled each day). Long Island: Keating Reports, 2019. Paper. $27.99 (On sale at author site)

Keating, Ray. The Disney Planner 2020: The To Do List Solution (Enjoy all things Disney while gaining inspiration and getting things done!). Long Island: Keating Reports, 2019. Paper. $27.99 (On sale at author site)

Keating, Ray. The Pastor Stephen Grant Novels Planner 2020: The TO DO List Solution (Enjoy Ray Keating's thrillers & mysteries while gaining inspiration and getting things done!). Long Island: Keating Reports, 2019. Paper. $27.99 (On sale at author site)

How is our friend, author Ray Keating, so organized and productive? He revealed the secret last year when he released his initial productivity planner. This is what we had to say about it:

He is back for 2020 with not one but three planners for 2020. You can benefit from his "To Do List Solution," too!
We all need to get things done each day, and plan our coming week, month or year. At the same time, each of us needs to keep such matters in proper perspective. THE LUTHERAN PLANNER 2020: THE TO DO LIST SOLUTION is meant to be a tool for each of us in this ongoing endeavor. And, no, you don't have to be a Lutheran to use this planner!

Get organized and set goals using Ray Keating’s TO DO List Solution, while enjoying and reflecting upon quotes from Holy Scripture, Church fathers, and other Christian thinkers. In addition, feasts, festivals and commemorations throughout the Church year are marked.

THE LUTHERAN PLANNER 2020: THE TO DO LIST SOLUTION combines a simple, powerful system for getting things done – using monthly, weekly and daily to-do lists – with encouragement, inspiration and consolation from our Christian faith. 
The Lutheran Planner 2020 features daily quotations from Scripture, the Lutheran Confessions, hymns, and edifying writers.

The Disney Planner 2020 shares interesting facts and quotes from "all things Disney," from Walt himself, classic films from the "house of Mouse," new PIXAR favorites, and even more recent acquisitions like the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Star Wars.

The Pastor Stephen Grant Novels Planner 2020 gives fans of the series behind-the-scenes info and quotes that make me wonder what is in store for Pr. Grant and the whole cast of characters. Did you know that Keating's protagonist was named for the martyr St. Stephen and US President Ulysses. S. Grant?

What will each planner share with you? Let's zoom in on two dates.
January 29, 2020
LP: A hymn stanza from "How Great Thou Art," Exodus 8:12
DP: "We allow no geniuses to work around our studio."- Walt Disney;
Quote from Moana;
Disney Fact: Walt Disney World is the size of San Francisco
and twice the size of Manhattan.
PSGNP: Quotes from Reagan Country and Murderer's Row.

November 7, 2020
LP: A hymn stanza from "Look, Ye Saints, the Sight Is Glorious," Matthew 5:11-12
DP: The quote of the day is a NYT review of Snow White dated January 14, 1938;
Quote from Cars;
Disney Fact: In 2014 Big Hero Six is released in theaters.
PGSNP: Quotes from Warrior Monk and Shifting Sands

The format of all three planners is generous, full letter sized, perfect for your desk, weighty enough for you to take seriously, and filled with interesting quotes that can motivate you to keep going or get back on track all year long.

Keating puts on his economist hat for his latest nonfiction title.
Free Trade Rocks! 10 Points on International Trade Everyone Should Know 

Tapping into his experiences as an economist, policy analyst, newspaper and online columnist, entrepreneur, and college professor, who taught MBA courses on international business and entrepreneurship, Ray Keating explores and explains in straightforward fashion 10 key points or areas that everyone – from entrepreneurs and executives to students and employees to politicians and taxpayers – needs to understand about how trade works and how free trade generates benefits for people throughout the nation, around the world, and across income levels.

The 10 points or areas covered in FREE TRADE ROCKS! are...
Point 1: Do People “Get It” on Free Trade?
Point 2: Economics 101 on Trade
Point 3: Debunking Trade Myths
Point 4: Trade and the U.S. Economy
Point 5: Trading Partners
Point 6: Trade and Small Business
Point 7: Ills of Protectionism
Point 8: Brief History of Free Trade Deals
Point 9: The Morality of Free Trade
Point 10: The Future of Trade
Keating makes clear that nations don’t trade. Instead, businesses and individuals trade, and free trade is simply about expanding the freedom to trade by reducing or eliminating governmental costs and restrictions.

As for the best agenda on trade, Keating declares, “Kill tariffs, eliminate quotas, and reduce government rules and regulations that burden consumers, entrepreneurs, businesses and workers, and discover, once again, how much free trade rocks!”
Free Trade Rocks! is a welcome respite from the overheated rhetoric that disguises protectionism as "fair trade." Ray Keating provides a basic economic education that is missing from too many schools today, dispels myths about trade that masquerade as truth, demonstrates that even international trade is a benefit to small business, and gives readers a lens to better understand the Trans Pacific Partnership, the new USMCA replacement for NAFTA, and the true trade consequences of Brexit.

We have been reading Keating's Pastor Stephen Grant novels. Watch for a review of the latest titles in this series soon.

Rev. Paul J Cain is Senior Pastor of Immanuel, Sheridan, Wyoming, Headmaster of Martin Luther Grammar School and Immanuel Academy, a member of the Board of Directors of the Consortium for Classical Lutheran Education, Secretary of the Wyoming District of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and a member of its Board of Directors, Wyoming District Education Chairman/NLSA Commissioner, and Editor of Lutheran Book Review. He has served as an LCMS Circuit Visitor, District Worship Chairman and District Evangelism Chairman. A graduate of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Rev. Cain is a contributor to Lutheran Service Book, Lutheranism 101, the forthcoming LSB Hymnal Companion volumes, and is the author of 5 Things You Can Do to Make Our Congregation a Caring Church. He is an occasional guest on KFUO radio. He has previously served Emmanuel, Green River, WY and Trinity, Morrill, NE. Rev. Cain is married to Ann and loves reading and listening to, composing, and making music. 

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