Briefly Noted: Missions and Worship

Johnston, Thomas P., Editor. A History of Evangelism in North America. Grand Rapids: Kregel Academic, 2021. 345 Pages. Paper. $23.99.

Massey, John D, Mike Morris, and W. Madison Grace II, Editors.  Make Disciples of All Nations: A History of Southern Baptist International Missions. Grand Rapids: Kregel Academic, 2021. 398 Pages. Paper. $22.99.

Williams, Khalia J. and Mark A. Lamport, Editors. Introductions by N. T. Wright and Nicholas Wolterstorff.  Theological Foundations of Worship: Biblical, Systematic, and Practical Perspectives. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2021. 290 Pages. Paper. $29.99.

One of the realities of the publishing and reviewing world is that some titles are requested by journals for review because an editor believes they would be of interest to his readers. Other titles arrive unsolicited, sent by publishing houses to journals in hopes that they would be reviewed as a part of the title's publicity effort upon release. There is a moral obligation for the reviewer to read the requested title, write a review, and publish that review. For the latter, it is not always realistic or possible for journals, especially those of modest size, to review every unsolicited title received. 

We're of modest size. And that's being generous.

This Briefly Noted review is an attempt to cover three unsolicited titles that may or may not be of interest to our readers, who are largely Lutheran pastors, musicians, and laypeople.

We begin with two titles from Kregel.

Of the three titles covered here, this one is likely of the most interest to a confessional Lutheran. We care about keeping the message straight, yet we also care to get the message out!

Encounter North American evangelism from the Great Awakening to the present day

A History of Evangelism in North America guides readers on a tour through circuit riders and tent meetings to campus evangelism and online ministries. Academic research combines with gospel faithfulness and love for the lost in this historical survey. Encountering these prominent evangelism movements will inspire innovation and courage in the call to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Few Christians recognize the historical backgrounds of various evangelistic ministries, their theological traditions, or their guiding principles. A History of Evangelism in North America explores evangelism methodologies and legacies from the early 1700s to today. Experts deliver current scholarship on twenty-two evangelists and ministries, including the following:

John Wesley and itinerant preachers

The camp meeting movement

The American Bible Society and Bible distribution evangelism

The Navigators and personal discipleship

Billy Graham and crusade evangelism

Campus ministries

The Jesus Movement

21st-century evangelistic approaches

A History of Evangelism in North America promises to have lasting value for those who study evangelism, missions, Christian history, and the church in North America. (Publisher's Website)

Examining the text beyond the title page will confirm that this is a collection of essays on evangelism by authors from the Southern Baptist Convention. No, this is not a complete history of evangelism in North America. It's largely historical snapshots of important persons, groups, and events that are of import to Southern Baptists from a Southern Baptist perspective. 

It's interesting, but not high-priority reading given the honest theological differences between my confession and that of the authors.

Another title from Kregel is even more specific to Southern Baptists.

"Southern Baptists have grown into the largest non-Catholic denomination in the world..." (398). That is why those of us who are not Southern Baptists should be interested in finding a copy of this book. The observation itself is shocking, yet not. 

Fatal Discord, Michael Massing's parallel biography of Luther and Erasmus has a chapter near the end on the impact of both men on the modern world. As a pastor of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, I was expecting at least a passing reference to my church body. Instead, Massing focuses his attention on the largest church body today that was influenced by Luther's teaching and practice: the SBC.

A contemporary evaluation of the history and present status of Southern Baptist Missions

For more than 175 years the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention has been sending missionaries around the world to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. It has also developed strategies and methods that have been adopted by numerous other missions groups. Make Disciples of All Nations tells the story of this groundbreaking organization, including its most recent developments.

Besides recounting its historical development, the contributors to this volume critically evaluate the IMB's strategies and methods, as well as examine its controversies, regional developments, and organizational changes. The concluding chapter explores how Southern Baptist missions can best adapt to an era of global Christianity.

Students, missionaries, and those involved in supporting them will be informed and encouraged by this account of one of the oldest and largest missions organizations in the world.

Resources that are specific to a particular denomination or church body may well sell acceptably to readers from those backgrounds, yet get those outside of the intended readership thinking about parallel resources for their own denominations and church bodies. 

Finally, we received a new book on worship from Baker.

The subject matter of this title may be of the most interest to our long-term readers who remember a Quick Summary review ( of another title on worship by the author of this title's second Introduction:

Also unsolicited, Wolterstorff's The God We Worship: an exploration of liturgical theology will encourage confessional Lutherans to persist in faithfully using our evangelically-edited received version of the historic western Christian liturgies for Divine Service and the Daily Office. "No liturgy has ever been composed from scratch." He will help readers to mine the truth of his simple sentence. Readers will be challenged by references to liberal theologians (2), and will have their patience tested with a Webster definition for worship (23) instead of better ones from Scripture, and talk of Eucharist as memorial (147ff). 

The Publisher provides this information about the title. 

This volume brings together an ecumenical team of scholars to present key theological concepts related to worship to help readers articulate their own theology of worship. Contributors explore the history of theology's impact on worship practices across the Christian tradition, highlighting themes such as creation, pneumatology, sanctification, and mission. The book includes introductions by N. T. Wright and Nicholas Wolterstorff. A forthcoming volume will address the historical foundations of worship.


Preface by the Editors Khalia J. Williams and Mark A. Lamport

Series Introduction Nicholas Wolterstorff

Introduction    N. T. Wright

Part 1: Biblical Practices of Worship: Exegetical and Biblical Theology

1. Old Testament and Worship    Andrew E. Hill

2. New Testament and Worship    Pheme Perkins

Part 2: Theological Principles of Worship: Systematic and Historical Theology

3. Creation and Worship    W. David O. Taylor

4. God and Worship    Don E. Saliers

5. Humanity and Worship    Ronald T. Michener

6. Christology and Worship    Bruce T. Morrill

7. Pneumatology and Worship    Khalia J. Williams

8. Eschatology and Worship    Maurice Lee

9. Ecclesiology and Worship    Rhodora E. Beaton

10. Mission and Worship    Eugene R. Schlesinger

11. Mystery and Worship    Ivana Noble

12. Sanctification and Worship    Lizette Larson-Miller

Part 3: Cultural Possibilities for Worship: Practical and Apologetical Theology

13. Cultural Considerations and Sacred Significance of Time in Worship    Anne McGowan

14. Ecology and Worship    Teresa Berger

15. Individualism and Community within Worship Practices    E. Byron (Ron) Anderson

16. Secularization and Worship    James K. Wellman Jr.

17. Christian Worship in the Context of Other World Religions    Peter C. Phan

Epilogue: Pursuing a Theology of Worship    Martyn Percy


(Publisher's Website) 

For a book on worship with nineteen contributors, it is surprising that there is no entry for Martin Luther in the index. His Reformation of worship indeed fits the qualifications of the book's subtitle: "Biblical, Systematic, and Practical..." There is at least one Lutheran contributor.

If I were to provide constructive feedback to all involved, I would commend them for approaching the subject in a scholarly, intentional way. As a corrective, I would suggest that a Hebrew or Greek dictionary would be a better start to understanding a Biblical theology of worship rather than Webster (xvii). Yes, my 2015 critique still stands. 

There are other titles on the market that better suit my needs as a liturgical Lutheran. Yet, the volume as a whole was not as offensive to my theology and practice as others we've reviewed since 2004 in a pdf journal and since 2009 as a blog journal.

This is the first book in a planned series. For that, I wish to be optimistic. Any deficiencies in approach, content, or breadth can be addressed in future volumes (or second editions). 

As we have available time, LBR will continue to at least bring books we receive unsolicited to your attention. We will consider whether we or our usual readers are the intended reader of a resource. We will continue to ask, "Is it worth the money to buy, the time to read and study, the shelf space to store, and the effort to teach?"

Rev. Paul J Cain is Senior Pastor of Immanuel, Sheridan, Wyoming, Headmaster of Martin Luther Grammar School and Immanuel Academy, a member of the Board of Directors of the Consortium for Classical Lutheran Education, First Vice-President of the Wyoming District of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and a member of its Board of Directors, Rhetoric Teacher for Wittenberg Academyand Editor of Lutheran Book Review  He has served as an LCMS Circuit Visitor, District Worship Chairman, District Evangelism Chairman, District Education Chairman/NLSA Commissioner, and District Secretary. A graduate of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Rev. Cain is a contributor to Lutheran Service BookLutheranism 101, the Hymnal Companiohymn and liturgy volumes, and is the author of 5 Things You Can Do to Make Our Congregation a Caring Church. He is an occasional guest on KFUO radio. He has previously served Emmanuel, Green River, WY and Trinity, Morrill, NE. Rev. Cain is married to Ann and loves reading and listening to, composing, and making music. He dreams of running his own publishing house some day in the Lord's timing.

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