
The Health of the Mind

  Murray, David and Tom Karel, Jr.  A Christian's Guide to Mental Illness: Answers to Common Questions.  Wheaton: Crossway, 2023. 244 Pages. Paper. $21.99. Glodo, Michael J.  The Lord Bless You and Keep You: The Promise of the Gospel in the Aaronic Blessing.  Wheaton: Crossway, 2023. 203 Pages. Paper. $16.99. Cusick, Jason.  Anxiety Field Guide: Healthy Habits for Long-Term Healing.  Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2022. 184 pages. Paper. $17.00.   Publishers and Readers, please accept my apologies for the  delay in publishing this review. I understand that it is past due, compared to best practices. While I am not a full-time book reviewer, my extensive experience and consistent record of high-quality reviews demonstrate my professionali...

Resources for Pastoral Care

Ristau, Harold. Harold L. Senkbeil, General Editor.  Spiritual Warfare for the Care of Souls (Lexham Ministry Guides).  Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press,  2022. 271  Pages. Cloth. $19.99. Arnold, Tyler C. Harold L. Senkbeil, General Editor.  Pastoral Visitation for the Care of Souls (Lexham Ministry Guides).  Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press,  2022. 199  Pages. Cloth. $19.99. Magness, Phillip. Harold L. Senkbeil, General Editor.  Church Music: For the Care of Souls (Lexham Ministry Guides).  Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2023. 273 Pages. Cloth. $19.99/$13.99. Available in Logos edition. Kleinig, John W.   God's Word: A Guide to Holy Scripture (Christian Essentials) .  Bellingham, WA:...