Giertz, Bo. Translated by Bror Erickson. New Testament Devotional Commentary, Volume III: Galatians Through Revelation. Irvine, CA: 1517 Publishing: 2022. 407 Pages. Paper. $29.95. 

Luther, Martin, et al. Translation by Caleb Keith. Edited by Caleb Keith and Kelsi Lembara. Theology of the Cross: Luther's Heidelberg Disputation and Reflections on Its 28 Theses. Irvine, CA: 1517 Publishing: 2018. 107 Pages. Paper. $10.95. 

Fry, Charles. The Word of the Cross: Martin Luther's Heidelberg Disputation. Irvine, CA: 1517 Publishing: 2018. 86 Pages. Paper. $14.95. 

With the intent of catching up on book reviews after significant family medical needs and loss of loved ones, I offer the following brief comments on three books by 1517.

Bror Erickson has a great talent at helping Bo Giertz speak English. Volume III of New Testament Devotional Commentary provides the insights of a beloved bishop on the remaining books of the Greek New Testament. Giertz writes as a pastor to pastors, but in a style that is approachable by laypeople, too. That is perhaps one of his best attributes across all of his writing. I don't always agree with every comment, but Giertz is always engaging and thoughtful. If you have Volumes I and II, don't miss Volume III. The essay "The Bible's View of Itself and Other Views of the Bible" is included as an Appendix.

Theology of the Cross is a fresh translation of Luther's Heidelberg Disputation with Reflections on Its 28 Theses. Caleb Keith provides both translation and some of the commentaries, with about a dozen other authors providing the rest. I withhold recommendation of this title because I don't trust the theology or practice of some of the commentators for a variety of reasons, including public scandal involving the office of the holy ministry. I did appreciate the new translation of the Heidelberg Disputation, yet wonder if we might benefit more from the new translations of Luther's Antinomian Disputations published by Concordia.

The Word of the Cross is another presentation, introduction, and commentary on Martin Luther's Heidelberg Disputation, this time by Charles Fry. He uses an updated version of the translation found in the American Edition of Luther's Works. The Exposition section of the book does a much better job than others in putting the Heidelberg Disputation in the context of Luther's previous Roman theology and his later more mature theology.

My experience with titles from 1517 has been honestly uneven. There are some great, necessary books by authors I know personally and trust based on my experience.  There are other titles that discourage me because of content or the author's reputation. I do not wish to engage in guilt by association because it is a logical fallacy. I can tell you that the publisher has been generous to me in providing complimentary review copies (solicited and unsolicited) and by being generous with his time in conversation over the phone or via email. 

Rev. Paul J Cain is Senior Pastor of Immanuel, Sheridan, Wyoming, Headmaster of Martin Luther Grammar School and Immanuel Academy, a permanent member of the Board of Directors of the Consortium for Classical Lutheran Education, First Vice-President of the Wyoming District of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and Chairman of its Board of Directors, Rhetoric Teacher for Wittenberg Academy, a founding regent for Luther Classical College, a Director for Steadfast Lutherans and Associate Editor of Curriculum for Steadfast Press, a Director for Views on Learning, and Editor of Lutheran Book Review.   He has served as an LCMS Circuit Visitor, District Worship Chairman, District Evangelism Chairman, District Education Chairman/NLSA Commissioner, and District Secretary. A graduate of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Rev. Cain is a contributor to Lutheran Service Book, Lutheranism 101, the LSB Hymnal Companion hymn and liturgy volumes and the LSB Devotional Edition, is the author of 5 Things You Can Do to Make Our Congregation a Caring Church and articles in Concordia Pulpit Resources and The Lutheran Witness. He is a regular presenter at conferences of the CCLE and is an occasional guest on KFUO radio. He has previously served Emmanuel, Green River, WY and Trinity, Morrill, NE. Rev. Cain is married to Ann and loves reading and listening to, composing, teaching, and making music.

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